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Category Archives: Personal

Anything of a personal nature. Usually stuff related to my non-tech, non-animal interests or activities.

I started a new job this week.

It is with a startup company here in Greenville, SC called Green Cloud Technologies. I am super-excited to be here and away from that crap company Windstream! I’ve had a few changes in my career growth as a result of this job change. First, they didn’t have any equipment for me when I started so I am currently using my own PC to work on. This is the same PC that I was teaching myself Linux on. However, I couldn’t very well learn and do everything needed for my job AND learn to do it on Linux at the same time. I’d never get anything done. So I purchased a copy of Windows 7, 8 Gb of DDR2 RAM and brought my PC to work.

That said, my focus on learning has shifted. I am no longer concerned with learning Linux, as all the tech at Green Cloud is new to me. Liferay, Glassfish, Vaadin, Git,…as I said before, I don’t have the mental bandwidth (or equipment now) to learn to use those and Linux. So I guess I’m probably going to start posting stuff on here about my findings with my new technology stack.

I’m currently working on an entry on how I got my Eclipse environment set up with Liferay. If you are using the Liferay IDE plugin with anything other than the Tomcat bundle, you are in for some headaches.


This is my first attempt at a blog. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while, but it never felt like my ideas were fleshed out enough or I had enough time to sit down and come up with something decent. That is still true today. But, inspired by this Coding Horror post, and realizing that waiting for the perfect moment is not teaching me anything. So I’m starting up this blog, in all of its hideous, useless glory and just pressing onward with the experience.